What is Acupuncture & What Can it Treat?

What is Acupuncture & What Can it Treat?

What is Acupuncture & What Can it Treat?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice involving the strategic insertion of thin needles into the skin to balance chi (qi), or the flow of energy in the body. According to one of the practice’s major principles, inserting needles into certain points along energy pathways (meridians) can rebalance energy flow. Rebalancing energy effectively treats pain, stress, depression, and other physical, mental, or emotional issues. Find out more about this powerful practice as well as the conditions it can address below.

What Should You Expect from Acupuncture?

Although acupuncture is an ancient Eastern practice, many practitioners have their own unique treatment style and specialties. The best fit will depend on your treatment needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences. A bit of research, interviews with potential practitioners, and personal and professional evaluations will help you find the right approach. Once you’ve chosen an approach and practitioner, a brief evaluation will be performed to determine an appropriate treatment plan. Treatments typically last at least 30 minutes and must be administered once or twice per week for four to six weeks, depending on your condition.

What Conditions Does Acupuncture Benefit?

Acupuncture is most often used as an alternative therapy for pain management. However, it can address many other conditions, including:

  • Chronic headaches (particularly migraines)
  • Chemotherapy-induced nausea or other issues
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Toothaches
  • Respiratory conditions, such as asthma and allergies
  • Frequent, extreme menstrual cramps
  • Lower back and neck pain

What Happens During the Procedure?

Since needles must be inserted through the skin, the treatment typically requires patients to be at least partially undressed. During the procedure, five to 20 needles are inserted at different depths at certain points on the body. Due to their thinness and the skills of the practitioner, this insertion and removal are virtually painless. However, you may experience a mild tingling or aching when a needle reaches its designated depth.

After all the needles have been inserted, the practitioner may twirl them or supplement the treatment with heat or electrical pulses. Needles remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes, and you must relax and lie still for the duration. A successful treatment can provide almost immediate relief, especially if it’s the best acupuncture Sherwood Park has to offer.

For more information on acupuncture and how it may be of benefit to you, please contact us.